The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Like a good neighbor..."

I just want to keep everyone up on the car insurance spokesman explosion that is going on right now...

Geico has the gekko, the Rod Serling guy, and the stack of money with eyes (yes I saw 30 Rock last week)

Progressive has Flo

State Farm has a guy that looks like he could be Latino, and looks like he's not Latino

Allstate has the guy that used to be on 30 Rock

21st. Century has a guy with a lab coat

...and I just saw a commercial last night that has a bobble head on the dashboard of a car.

A creature made from rock (like The Thing from the Fantastic Four) might be the new spokesman for Prudential

I'm just saying.


Friday, September 17, 2010

My New Favorite Thing

That stunk

I apologize for that last blog posting... it stunk.

I have no excuse. I might, might, go out for a short run today and if I get really inspired as I run around the resevoir I'll hit you with my brilliance.

Don't count on it though.


Thursday, September 16, 2010


Email me!

I just experienced an email glitch this week. To make a long story short I had to download over 66 thousand emails to sync things up with my email server. How long does downloading 66 thousand emails take you ask?

20 hours.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to delete 66 thousand emails?

A long time.

For some reason my computer tells me that the emails were deleted (eventually) but sometimes I get a stack of emails from 2007!

I think I have the problem pretty much licked though.

Email me and let me know if I fixed it?

Just kidding, you don't have to email me.

I get enough junk emails to test it out, and I'm still getting those.

Now if I can just get my Mail Rules to work!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I just watched a pot of water come to boil.

It starts with a few small bubbles and then a lot more small bubbles followed by bunches of more bubbles in almost a snowstorm of bubbles which crescendos with the water boiling.

Next week I'll tell you about a tree falling in the woods.



I have a couple of the greatest parents ever. Growing up they were supportive and encouraging and trusting and forgiving, all around A+ parents. I had a wonderful childhood and I was never in want of anything. Except…

I never learned to play an instrument. I was never forced to take piano lessons or pick up a violin or pluck a stand-up bass (even though I wouldn’t have needed to stand on a chair like that one kid in orchestra had to).

While up at the cabin this summer, languishing in the last minutes of the afternoon sun on the deck, Eric pulled out his harmonica. He played along with some tablature for some new songs. And then, perhaps sensing my envy, he handed over the harmonica and showed me how to place my fingers. I looked down at the small instrument in my hands. It fit perfectly.

“What if…what if I’m a virtuoso on the harmonica?” I thought to myself. “What if I put it up to my mouth and without so much as trying I belted out a kick ass version of When the Saints Come Marching In? What if I was born to do this one thing? What if I’ve wasted the last 33 years not playing the harmonica? What if? What if? What if?”

I slowly brought the harmonica to my mouth and blew confidently against the tiny holes.



You’re safe, for now, John Popper.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oh my gosh, it's September already. Before you know it, it'll be Christmas.

I better start on my Halloween costume.

Anyways, when you've been driving down the streets here in LA, have you noticed that there are some traffic lights that seem to be intentionally hard to read? What I mean is, you have to practically drive through the intersection before you can definitively tell that the light is in fact green.

I think it's a plot to trap more people in the middle of blocks so that the city can catch more people with their cameras.

Why can't all the lights be the same, or relatively the same?

By the way, I'm thinking of going as a robot made of liquor boxes this Halloween.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Love Makes You Do Crazy Things

Sometimes that is a wonderful thing - it's asking someone to marry you by skywriting it at the beach. It's a surprise picnic under the moonlight. Maybe you try skydiving or birdwatching - things you never thought you'd do. It's beautiful, really.

And, sometimes, it's not.

Sometimes, your on-again/off-again girlfriend, upon being barred from entering your house, will try to shimmy down the chimney, get stuck there and die. And you being out of town and all, it will be a couple of days before the house sitter notices the smell.

Or, after 29 years of marriage, during a fight, you might beat your wife to death with a small statue, leave her body in the house for a few days, then drive it in an RV to a campsite to dispose of it. Then you would make excuses to the neighbors about where she is, and how you expect her home any time. And then, finally, botch a suicide attempt when the police close in.

And then, you might just decide to lie in the backseat of your ex-boyfriend's car so that you can stab him repeatedly with an ice pick. Not the soundest plan, perhaps, especially since you're still living together. But, still.

Yup, love sure makes you do crazy things.
