The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Zero Chance


Was it coincidence that last month’s National Geographic magazine featuring the Mormon splinter FLDS Church on its cover around the same time the new season of Big Love premiered?

I think not. I love me some Big Love, and I’m a big proponent of letting consenting adults do whatever they please as long as it’s not hurting anyone else…and if a plural marriage is made up of gorgeous people like the Henricksons, then go ahead and sign me up too, cuz it doesn’t look like such a bad deal.

Reality isn’t quite so appealing, what with the ill-fitting prairie dresses and French braids as far as the eye can see. And if I were a 14 year-old about to be sealed to my husband, what do you think the chances would be of me scoring the guy on the right?


Zero chance, that’s what chance.

I’d probably end up with the mouth breather. Thanks, Jesus.


P.S. Unlike Playboy readers, I subscribe to National Geographic for the pictures. I don’t even read the articles. There, I said it.

1 comment:

T said...

When you made that reference to the symbiotic relationship between ClownFish and Sea Anemones in a show a few weeks ago.... I knew that the current issue of NG had a story on them... how did I know? ...because I'm a subscriber too.