The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Saturday, May 1, 2010


As a rule, I try to stay calm. I have recently discovered, to my surprise, the presence of personal opinions -- not about everything, but some things. And I just broke my own rule and added a musing to an angry facebook comment war between strangers (to me,) related to a political status post by an acquaintance.

Here's the thing I keep forgetting. It doesn't matter. Debate will get you nowhere. You feel how you're going to feel, and I feel my way, and to sway one or the other by arguing would be like winning the lottery. It happens, but you're foolish to try for it, and it's a one in a gabillion chance. Almost every time, you're going to kick yourself for wasting that dollar.

And yet I just POSTED ANOTHER COMMENT. What is wrong with me?


1 comment:

Gretchen Enders said...

I'm going to go ahead and spend the rest of my day trying to destroy Ken Waters' life. What a douuuuchebag.