The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fireside Chat

Warning - this post could be seen as political, but I'd argue that.

Apparently, after the next year, the three of you who still don't have a DVR will not be roused from your recliner slumber by the obnoxious decibel level of a commercial advertisement.

I'm not (entirely) judging the merits of this legislation. I'm even encouraged by the knowledge that Congress could pass some goddamn thing.

Forgive me, but...

One in six Americans does not have enough to eat. We are tearing ourselves apart so that the people making the most money can sit on a slightly larger pillow of excess (sorry, but come on - their lives don't change at all) and we can't agree to extend unemployment benefits past Christmas?

(Also, what are you doing watching TV when people are starving?)

On the bright side, when those unemployed people are staring through the appliance store window at the TV display, the commercials won't offend with their loudness.

Always a silver lining,


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