The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Thursday, July 16, 2009


We left for the moon 40 years ago today, and we made it back.

I remember watching them walk on the moon. It was really hot, very late for a kid to be up, and I remember that my parents were unusually excited.

I'm glad my parents made a point of making sure I was in front of the TV. I was almost 7.

I remember being used to watching Saturn V rockets on TV and wondering how big one of those things were. There was no reference, but I figured that it was at least as tall as the church steeple across the street.

20 some years later I got to go to Mission Control and actually got to go in the room. I remember thinking about all of the history that has happened in this one room. I also remember how small the room is compared to what we see on TV.

TV adds 10 pounds and adds 300 square feet to a room. It's true, look it up.

I don't have anything quippy to end this, but I kid you not... I have Tang in my kitchen cupboard.

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