The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Doctor: Have you been taking your vitamin D?

Me: I ran out of the stuff you gave me a while back, actually.

Doctor: You know, you get the same thing from UVB rays just sitting in the sun.

Me: Well, I have been making an effort to do a little of that each day.

Doctor: I really don't recommend that, because you'll get skin cancer.

Me: I guess it's going to be something.

Doctor: Yes, but it's the decline you want to avoid.

Me: Lately, I'm hoping for a bus or a train.

Doctor: You know what you really want? Cardiac arrest. It's not a heart attack, it's more of a rhythm problem. Devastating for the people left behind, of course, but for you, it's great.

Me: Uh, okay. Thanks?


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