The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Here's the deal...

The facts…

I live in an apartment building with 18 units.
Let’s figure that there’s an average of two people per unit, that’s 36 individuals.
36 individuals who presumably do their own laundry.
There are two shared washers and two shared dryers for the entire building.
Needless to say, they’re in constant use.

Here’s the deal…

If you put your clothes in the washer and leave them there to be found by me when I come down there to do my two loads, and I complete those two loads, back-to-back in the same washer (because I don’t feel comfortable pulling your undies, even if they’re clean, out of the washer) and then I complete my dry cycle and your clothes are still in the washing machine…well …then, you’re going to get a Gretchen booger wiped on your load. You deserve it because that’s just rude, leaving your clothes down there for hours. And I know it’s you, hot Australian guy with the disgusting whippets. It’s always you.


You’ve been warned,

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