The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Yup. That's it for '08. Frankly, good riddance to bad rubbish. But it remains true that time freaking flies, folks. And I have got to get my '09 shit together.

Now many people will dismiss the idea of New Year's Resolutions out of hand. "They don't work!" they will practically scream in your face. But I have to ask you, how does anything get done if one does not resolve to do it? I'm not talking about making outrageous plans - I don't plan to scale a mountain, or jump out of a plane - things that I'm not truly interested in doing in the first place. But I do plan to do some volunteer work, and incorporate more vegetables into my diet. What's so wrong with that?

Granted, my list is a little long. But why not shoot big? I'm not getting any younger. The time to do the stuff I said I'd do is soon. Now, even. So I made a list. Because what's the alternative? More of the same, slogging through, eating snack foods, wishing things were different and wondering if today is the day I see a Law & Order I haven't seen before? Perhaps I can set my sights just a little higher. Maybe, just maybe, I can treat myself as though I cared very deeply for me. That's the first item on the list, as a matter of fact. I'll let you know how it goes.


1 comment:

T said...

"I can treat myself as though I cared very deeply for me." <-- That is the most important resolution. As THE BUDDHA said:

"YOU yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection"