The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Warm Thoughts of the Season

I had the unmistakable feeling yesterday, as the day warmed to its 80 degrees, and the sky blinded me with blue, that "summer was finally here." Obviously, that's a vestigial impulse. I know that summer isn't here, and that it's January.

But I live in Los Angeles, the universally derided city on the left coast. Maybe I feel at home here because I grew up in New Jersey, the butt of 98% of known locality-based jokes. The difference is, it's much warmer here.

It's yawningly customary when talking to anyone about living in Southern California for them to say something about "missing the seasons." Well, okay. You have to take care of you. I'm telling you, though, I don't think I do. I miss that brisk fall day, sure. I miss the walking mittened-hand-in-mittened hand with my lover through the frigid streets to see the lit-up tree. But you know what? That actually never happened. Most happy, romantic, hot-chocolate sipping, snowball fight, cold-weather stories only exist in retrospect anyway - if they exist at all. I have a long winter history, and an active imagination. I can do better from here, where it's nice and warm.



1 comment:

T said...

Not meaning to brag but I DO have some iconic cold-weather memories such as walking down a deserted Mass Avenue (Cambridge) with friends during a blizzard, to find a resturant (ok, abar) that had managed to open. I remember standing in an icy corn field (dry brown stalks etc) on a very chilly night while kissing warm/soft lips, and a few more memories that time/space/decorum preclude from this 'comment' ..but I'll tell you this: they are all out-weighed 100-to-1 by a thousand stories of near-frostbite, of cars FROZEN TO THE GROUND BY THEIR WHEELS, and of bazillion gripes and inconveniences caused by bitter cold ugly weather.
...and I haven't even thrown in the relentless, and soul-destroying humidity of a New England Summer... where you pray that the mosquitos really will carry off in your sleep.

There's a reason LA is so freakin' over-crowded... and it isn't the charming locals... it is that big ol' jolly sunny.