The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Artificial Intelligence...for REAL

I've just signed back up with Netflix. They pride themselves on their recommendations based on your personal ratings of movies you've watched in the past, and truthfully, they usually do a pretty good job. They don't have the TiVo Achilles Heel where it suddenly decides you're a gay Spanish plumber with a penchant for the History Channel. However, Netflix is not perfect. And of course, those sorts of mistakes inevitably lead to hilarity. Whoo!

First up is a suggestion of "Hooked" - the gritty tale of Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell - an Oakland playground hoops legend who's life was plagued by violence, drug abuse, and incarceration. Now, admittedly, I would watch that shit. It's got my name all over it. But the suggestion was based on my rating of Tipping the Velvet, a BBC-produced period drama of the struggles of Lesbians during the Victorian Era...just like Hook Mitchell!

Odder still was the carefully considered suggestion based on my love of 30 Rock, Seven Samurai, and Amelie. But before I tell you, why don't you guess? Go ahead, I'll wait...Did you guess Flow: For Love of Water, a documentary connecting politics, pollution, human rights, and the global water crisis? Then you can work for NetFlix!

1 comment:

T said...

I have the same love/hate relationship with the 'recommendations' I get on I often don't know what to make of their suggestions. DID most of the people who read "Please Kill Me" really 'also like the latest "Deathcab for Cutie?" CD? well, wait a second, I guess that match up DOES make a bit of sense. hmmm. forget I said anything. oh look! A baby wolf!