The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Monday, February 2, 2009

White Knuckling it

My computer broke this week and it's going to take a week to get that
thing back. Losing my computer has taught me that I have gained
something else... time.

Oh the time I have now to watch NFL Network about the upcoming Super
Bowl, or the time I have to do that volunteer work in Bel Air that is
so fulfilling.

I have told myself that I don't have to check the weather every five
minutes, or I don't have to see what Defamer is saying.

They say my computer will be done and back to me by Tuesday. Let's
hope so. I'm writing this on my FRIENDS' computer and frankly it's
okay, but it's like using a strange toilet.

I don't know where the roll of paper is.

I'll know next week when I get my computer back.


1 comment:

T said...

Yeeeesh... remind me never to let you use MY computer. I wouldn't want you to take a dump on it.