The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Monday, March 23, 2009

Are you over 40?

Well, apparently Elisha Cuthbert is and she is lookin' to hook UP, you over-40 motherf***er!

I'm curious if Elisha's PR people ran this one by her management team. Certainly this is a properly licensed use of her image, right? No self-respecting Facebook advertiser would use her face without her people's ok? And certainly not the hallowed name of Real Mature Dating. If Real Mature Dating starts acting like a scofflaw, what's next? Does the Sierra Club start shooting bears? Do The Brownies skip the Thin Mints and just start selling meth?

But maybe they're just trying to get the word out that Elisha is clearly looking great for her age. From this picture and indeed all the other recent pictures I've seen of her, she looks very much less than 40. I would even say she doesn't look a day over 26. So maybe her management team did clear this image, trying to get the word out about her age; her willingness to date, despite being married; and how slowly she is aging - all in advance of a huge "Live Life Like Elisha" campaign, where she will become the global spokesperson for a line of age-defying lotions, diet books, and videos that will change the way we think about - and indeed, the way we experience - growing older.

In the meantime, I'm just excited that I can sign up for the same dating site that Elisha is using. I'm hoping there's a checkbox you can tick to date her, or any of these other Real Mature Singles:



T said...
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T said...

In my neighborhood the girl scouts always sold meth.