The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Role Models

Besides my Dad, I have some pretty great role models. Guys that have taught me right from wrong, how to handle pressure, and how to control a green woman coming at you with a knife.

From Capt. Kirk, to Batman, to James West, to John Steed, to the guys from UFO (which I promise you will be turned into a major motion picture one day), they all helped to make me the man I am today. The kind of guy that holds the door for ladies, says "... no you first, " and is sometimes mistaken for gay because I am both polite AND witty. I say to you all, "Thank You!"



Gretchen Enders said...

We'll test that green woman coming at you with a knife statement soon, very soon. And I won't tell George Lazenby he didn't make the cut, your secret's safe with me.

T said...

hmmmm Obviously you must have run into some difficulty and were unable to upload MY picture....