The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do You Know What YOU Want?

There’s a commercial with Jessica Alba, where she is striding purposefully through a lushly decorated house, and you can hear her voice, telling us, “Do you know what you really want? I do. I want my foundation to match my skin tone.”

Is that true, Jessica? So, you’ve thought over all the things you might want, and you chose this? What did you tell the sick babies? How did you explain it to the battered spouses, or those folks in the ICU? Seriously? But thank goodness, at least when you grant an audience to people there in your ivory tower, your foundation will match your skin tone. Because what could be worse than that?

There’s a part of me that wants to hug Jessica Alba - poor kid, nothing bad has happened to her yet, so she’s in for it. If this is her biggest concern, I mean it, this poor thing is a freaking idiot. Or if she does know it’s ridiculous, and is too afraid to make demands for changes, that’s sad too.

I can’t say why I’m still surprised by the crap the advertising industry tries to put over on us. My heart sank a little when Susan Sarandon tried to credit another foundation, L’Oreal, maybe? For her gorgeous grandma skin, and she claimed it was because of the secret ingredient, called Botafirm. Really? Is that the scientific name for it? Botafirm.

There are problems with foundation, I’ll grant you. The foundation of our society is obviously going to hell in a handbasket. The world could use a little Botafirm.


1 comment:

T said...

.... I'm soaking in it.