The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Friday, June 12, 2009


This stuff drives me nuts.

I was driving in my car last night and I heard Chris Dodd, the Senator from CT. say that, 3 to 4000 children a DAY start smoking.


A day? If I just use the lower figure of 3,000 children starting smoking a day and multiply that by 30, you get 90,000 children in the U.S. starting to smoke per month. So 90,000 times 12 equals, 1.08 million children that start to smoke a year in this country. Does he have any idea how much a pack of smokes costs right now?


Why didn't you just say 27,000 a day start smoking, or I have a flying car I take to work everyday that my supermodel wife flies for me.

I'll just say anything and no one will challenge me! Watch this: I have the most successful show on British Televsion and I live in a Chateau in France and I have a guest house on the Moon.


A while back someone who is "important" said that we had to help children everywhere in this country so that we would stop seeing children living under bridges.


I used to live in Pittsburgh. One thing Pittsburgh is called is "The City of Bridges". I never once saw a child living under a bridge. What are they trolls?


All I'm saying is your just making stuff up and I want you to stop it. And that goes for Democrats, Republicans, or Independents.

Stop it already. C'mon!


1 comment:

T said...

.... is anyone using your moon guesthouse? I'm just sayin' - I might need to find a new place soon if I don't find a job etc... just someplace to crash for a while, and the Sea of Tranquility is so nice this time of year.