The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's That Time

Have you seen them? They are everywhere now. The 2010 calendars are here and on display almost everywhere you go. Oh, the possibilities.

The choice is obviously very important. It has to be perfect. The layout, the space for notes and appointments, it all has to fit in with your Plans. Literally. Because this choice will make or break your year.

Kitty cats or crossword puzzles? Only you can decide. Just try to identify that spark, that flutter in your chest when you know it's right. I've seen too many people put down The One, thinking they'll be back, and I'm here to tell you, it won't be there. I know it sounds like your entire '10 is riding on this choice. But that's only because it is.

Here's where I'm leaning:

But we're still in the early stages, and I haven't seen one of these with my own eyes. It's risky. If Staples has my '08 choice in a smaller format, then it might beat all other contenders. But will they have that? Probably not. They will have a hundred other options, but none of them exactly right.

I'd better get started.



T said...

I have to go old-school on this. Every year I get the combination month-at-a-glance AND week-at-a-glance calendar... sometimes I'll get the staples version of it, but always the same. The full two-page month all spread out, followed by a week per page spread with a full column for each day. sweeeeet.

Big Hollywood LLC's Big Holly Blog said...

T, me too! I absolutely require a month-at-a-glance view but there's never enough room (in portable format) for what needs to happen. I think I've found The One, though. Can't wait to show you.