The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mr. Williams!

Mr. Williams! Mr. Williams!


Gretchen Enders, I’m with the Big Hollywood Blog.
It’s a small independent blog…but very well respected.
Mr. Williams -- can I call you Robin?


I’m going to take your silence as a “yes.”

Robin, I’m interested in your opinion of the new up-and-coming stand-up comedians currently making a big splash on the Hollywood scene. How do you think they would fare if they were, say, thrown back in time and had to perform under the rigorous conditions you and your contemporaries faced on a nightly basis. Before there were movie and television contracts, when you did it just for the pure love of comedy?


No comment? I understand.
Changing gears…what was Josh Charles like on the set of Dead Poet’s Society?


Mr. Williams?


What’s with the silent treatment? It’s rude, not to mention childish and I don’t appreciate it in the slightest. Plus, those glasses look stupid on you. There, I said what everyone is thinking. And another thing—

Psst, Enders! That’s Bono, NOT Robin Williams.



Alrighty then.

Hmm, makes me think…I’ve never seen those two in the same room together.

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