The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh, the Anxiety

I realize I'm a bit of a Luddite. Or at least I lean in that direction. I'm all for modern conveniences, but really once on board, I don't care about the latest developments and apps, or the shiniest new version. I don't. Honestly, like packing the trunk and taking the garbage buckets to the curb, I see it as sort of a guy thing. For instance, I have a TiVo, sure. It's the first one I ever bought, I want to say 7 years ago or so, minimum. And I will keep it until it dies. I'm loyal that way, and lazy, and cheap, and concerned about my carbon footprint. And when it goes, I will try to find the exact same model, series 2, refurbished, or used, or whatever. Because that's how I roll.

So, imagine my consternation when I realized that my li'l workhorse of a flip phone Simply Wouldn't Do Any Longer. I would have been fine running it into the ground, honestly, except for the scourge knows as texting. Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but I resisted this. I don't understand how emails somehow became not fast enough, and calling to speak to someone became passe. I really thought it would fizzle, or rather, hoped I could just get by without it. Let the kids have it, I thought. Big whoop.

Alas, it seems to have caught on in a big way. There are people I know who now only communicate through texting, and I found that there was no way for me to even contemplate going there without a QWERTY keyboard instead of that stupid number pad. So, I bit the bullet and went to the Verizon store today, and lo, a scant $175 later, I have a fancy phone with a keyboard and many features I will never, ever, ever, ever use. I did eschew the touch screen was more than I felt I could take on. I'm still getting used to wiping at a screen on the iPod, thankyouverymuch. Also seems like too much that could go wrong. I'm skeptical of just about all this newfangled technology.

Even the thought of opening up the guide and figuring it all out is a bit...more than I want to deal with, let's say. I'm just sort of waiting for it to ring and hoping I can figure things out from there. In good news, I am gathering up every piece of cell phone related e-crap in this house and depositing it at the Verizon store, where they will either refurbish and sell to use the proceeds to purchase phones for people in battered women shelters, or if it is too old for such a plan, dispose of safely in a way that respects the earth. I guess that's all I can ask for.

Applicable Self-Mocking Cartoon Link.



T said...

you people aren't signing your posts anymore ?????

Big Hollywood LLC's Big Holly Blog said...

Uh, I don't know what you mean...

Gretchen Enders said...

I thought you and me were going to be the last two to go with the "free" phone. Does this mean I have to spend actual money on a telephonic device? Maybe Kurt will let me borrow his car phone in the meantime.