The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rebranded a Fool

Soooooo, it's come to my attention that the SciFi Channel is planning to rebrand as Syfy. They are exhorting me to Imagine Greater....They'd apparently like for me to imagine a world where no one is an expert on anything. Where everyone tries to be everything to everybody else, and there's no specialization, no pride of place.

Whose big idea was this? I mean, truly? Syfy? At first I thought it would be pronounced the same as the old way, but now I'm not sure if they don't mean to transition us to "seefee," hoping one day we'll forget there ever was Science Fiction at all. Because they are about to show us all about how broad "imagination-based entertainment" can be.

I can't imagine how much this is costing them in replacement letterhead alone. But changing the letterhead always seemed to me to be a good reason NOT TO MOVE. What happened to niche marketing? What happened to dancing with the one that brung you? Hmm?


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