The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Friday, May 1, 2009

Why didn't you tell me!

I am writing this after my third beer.

When I was a waiter, before I would go on the floor, I would do a last check in the mirror to make sure I looked okay, facially, and mostly to make sure I had nothing hanging out of my nose.

However, this would happen about once every seven months. I would check my face and then go to work. About five hours later I would have to go to the bathroom, (there were no f******* mandatory breaks when you were a waiter where I worked) and I would look at my face and, "What the F***! Right there, where my nose and face meet, is the biggest whitehead that grew like Alien on my face.

Not once did one of my co-w0rkers tell me, "Hey Kurt, you got a giant pimple on your face." Thanks for nothing.

Have you ever had that happen to you? It was like the size of one of those pink Hostess Snow Balls. On my face!!

My customers must have been grossed out. I know I would have been.


I'm having another beer.


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