The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Friday, October 16, 2009

Step by Step

I've been teaching myself a new computer program over the last two months and it's the kind of thing where you read a step in the book, then do that step in the program. However, sometimes the author of my instruction manual uses a misleading word or phrase and I'm stuck for 20 minutes trying to drag a box to a corner and nothing happens like it's supposed to.

I have been going through a rather dense book at a pretty good pace because I have allowed myself to not master everything before I move on to the next step. In the past I would have drilled down until I understood the essence of everything that dragging a box to a corner could mean in this dimension and the next.

I have to remember that I'm not doing Algebra anymore at the dining room table at 11:30 at night while I can hear The Tonight Show theme from the living room.

I spent many a night hunched over at a table with a light and one of my parental units hovering over me. I hated it then and I hate it now.

So, I have the luxury of time now to speed through the book and go back and review what I need to.

And I don't have to do it while Conan's on either.


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