The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Friday, March 12, 2010

Reality Bites...If You Make Crap Decisions

If you haven’t made it to the end of Reality Bites in the last fifteen years (and why would you have?) let me remind you of what happens…

Our heroine, Lainie, must choose between her two suitors:

Michael: Though he’s slightly awkward and dorky, he is driven and smart and open and honest. He is quick with a smile and kind word; he’s excited about the future in general and their relationship specifically. He believes so deeply in Lainie’s art that he’s equally crushed when the MTV producers mess with her documentary. He goes above and beyond to make things right (um showing up with tickets to New York counts as a sweeping romantic gesture) and doesn’t make her feel bad about her Big Gulp addiction.


Troy: A conceited, angry, emotionally retarded deadbeat who constantly takes advantage of Lainie’s generosity and laundry quarters. He repeatedly bruises Lainie’s heart without remorse and makes her question her intelligence, beauty and deservedness of love. He smells of BO and cigarettes and spoiled milk and does not practice safe sex with his countless partners.
Who does she choose?


reality bites

This movie was everything my friends and I aspired to be in high school. How in the hell we are in normal relationships today is beyond me. Film studios really do need to be more responsible with the messages they’re sending to young men and women out there. The least of which should be that daily showers aren't something to be frowned upon.

Et tu, Lisa Loeb?

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