The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hey, Hi, Yeah

Yes, I'm doing my Wednesday post on Thursday, and yes, it's Thanksgiving. That means that either a) I'm totally lame, or 2) I am the only one in this house in New York who is on west coast time. Truth to tell, traveling exhausts me, and so does a large family gathering, so really, 2 is bogus. I should be asleep. I just couldn't think of a second thing. The house is dark but for my lights here in the breezeway, and a wee kitteh is attacking my hands and feet, at intervals. She is unbelievably cute, perhaps two pounds of gray tabby gorgeous, and there's nothing she doesn't think is a game set down here on earth for her. My luggage, these many charger cords, a shoe, a lego, a bottle cap, you name it.

So, if you can't think of anything to be thankful for, just say "kittens." I'm telling you, this kind of cute could cure the worlds ills. And the world has so many ills. I'm not saying, "hey, Mumbai, sorry for the recent troubles, have a cat." This advice is for the regular person...the one who has so much of everything, it's obscene. The ones who have never really suffered from anything but bad personal decisions, and yet won't think of bringing home a stray dog, and can't find a thing good to say about their mother on Thanksgiving. But just you wait till that first Thanksgiving they have after their mother dies. Then it's all going to be about how abandoned they feel and how the stuffing will never be the same.

I guess we can blame this on the triptaphan - but in a world that's going to hell in a handbasket, I'm thankful. I'm thankful for my dear good friends, for the fact that the world is still here, for kittens. I'm even thankful for a holiday that makes you think about what you're thankful for. Which is where I end up on the whole question of whether or not we should celebrate on a day that, let's face it, did not bode well for the Indians. I get all that, believe me, but I don't think we're clinking our glasses to the Pilgrims anymore. It's about gathering around a table with people who matter and making sure they know it. It's about the harvest, People, and really appreciating what's what.

So if you're, say, still on the plane, once it's parked at the gate, and you call your ride, and after a short conversation with said chauffeur, have to complain non-stop to your boyfriend for 10 minutes (and maybe more) till they open the g.d. hatch - about that person and their attitude toward you on the phone, and how they should know by now to check a g.d. flight before they leave for the airport, then maybe, just maybe, you should be making other plans for next year. And maybe, if you can promise to do it right, maybe you should get a kitteh.

With thanks,

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