The Big Shots of Big Hollywood

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I just need five more minutes...

I have a problem with the snooze button, you guys. I snoozed for an hour and twenty minutes this morning. Okay, it was only an hour but when the alarm went off I reset it for a half hour later and then proceeded to snooze for nearly an hour when it went off again. I learned the hard way that the snooze function turns off at an hour after the initial alarm sounds because who in their right mind would snooze for over an hour? That’s easy, I would. And this is pretty much the way I’ve been operating for…well, I can’t even remember how long.

And how do I manage this incredible feat morning after morning after morning after morning without disturbing a slumbering Eric next to me? Because I’m sneaky, that’s how. I use the alarm on my cell phone. When it goes off at 6:40am, I reach down and retrieve it (it’s always in the same place so I don’t even have to open my eyes) and silence it with a quick double click of the volume meter. I then stick it under my pillow, my thumb placed on the snooze so that when it goes off at five minute increments I can press the button within a split second of the Jack-Dance theme music starting. And so it goes for an hour, the entire time completely harmless cell phone microwaves travel through my pillow and into my brain making me stronger and smarter and ready to start the day.

One would think that having a sleep interrupted every five minutes would leave a person tired, listless and frustrated. Nah, I’m not usually tired, listless and frustrated until after I get to work but that’s just because I love my job so much.

So what to do? Do I try and break the pattern or do I stick with what makes me happy because it doesn’t seem to have a negative impact? Why mess with it, right? I’ve always been a good sleeper, its one of my strengths and I take an odd sense of pride in being able to fall asleep anywhere at anytime. The snooze is part of me and I don’t want to give it up. It’s my “thing.” I totally have a “thing.” Sweet.




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